How to Seamlessly Import Quizlet Sets into Blooket

In the vast universe of digital learning, two platforms have emerged as superstars: Quizlet and Blooket. Quizlet, a mobile and web-based study application, has been an academically to many, offering engaging flashcard sets for various topics. Blooket, on the other hand, is a game-based learning platform that makes studying a fun and competitive experience. Imagine the power of combining these two; you could have the engaging study materials from Quizlet incorporated into the entertaining games of Blooket. Sounds exciting, right? Well, it’s indeed possible! In this article, we’ll guide you on how to import Quizlet sets into Blooket, making the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

Importing Quizlet Sets into Blooket: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create Your Accounts

Before we start, you need to have accounts on both Quizlet and Blooket. If you haven’t yet, head over to their websites to sign up. Creating an account is a breeze. You’ll need to provide some basic information like your email address, and then create a username and password. Remember to keep your login details secure!

  1. Locate Your Quizlet Set

The second step involves finding the Quizlet set you want to import. Log into your Quizlet account and navigate to the flashcard set you want to import. Once you’ve found it, you will need to make it public to allow Blooket to access it. Click on the “Edit” button, select “Can View” under the permissions, and save your changes.

  1. Copy the Quizlet Set’s URL

Next, you need to copy the URL of your Quizlet set. This link is what Blooket will use to import your flashcard set. So, just click on the URL at the top of your browser, right-click and select “Copy.”

  1. Import into Blooket

Now, you’re ready to import your Quizlet set into Blooket. Log into your Blooket account, click on the “Set” option in the top menu, and then select “Import Set.” This will open a dialogue box. Here, simply right-click and paste the URL you copied from Quizlet. After you’ve pasted the link, click on the “Import” button.

  1. Check and Edit Your Set

Once you’ve imported the set, it’s a good idea to check and edit it if necessary. Blooket will automatically create a new set with the questions and answers from your Quizlet flashcards. You can review and edit these if needed. If everything looks good, click on the “Save” button.

  1. Enjoy Your Game

The last step is the most fun. Now, you get to enjoy your new Blooket game! Go to the “Host” option in the top menu, select your new set, and choose the game mode you want to play. Invite your friends or students to join, and let the learning games begin!


Importing Quizlet sets into Blooket is not as complicated as it may sound. It’s a straightforward process that can be accomplished in just a few steps. Moreover, it’s a fantastic way to make studying more engaging and enjoyable. With the combination of Quizlet’s comprehensive study materials and Blooket’s game-based learning platform, you can transform your study sessions into exciting learning experiences. So, don’t hesitate to give it a try.

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